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Exercise Ball Back Care Exercises |
Back Care - Flexibility Stretches - Balance Training - Dynamic Seating - Strength Training / Conditioning - Ordering
Back Care
Back pain has become an epidemic problem in modern society. Statistics
show that 80 percent of people in modernized countries will have back
pain sometime in their lives. Most experts agree that inactivity combined with prolonged sitting
can lead to back pain. So it makes sense that gentle exercise would
be a great preventive measure in back care. For instance, "active sitting"
on a FitBallŪ can lead to more movement while sitting because your body
must make constant small adjustments to keep you balanced on the ball.
There is a full range of exercise programs for people with back pain. Check with your local health care professional or, because some health clubs are tailoring exercise classes for back care, your local gym. (Always check with your doctor, therapist or chiropractor before starting any exercise program.) |
Back Care - Flexibility Stretches - Balance Training - Dynamic Seating - Strength Training / Conditioning - Ordering