Vinpocetine 10mg / 90 caps


Invigorates and enhances circulation and cerebral metabolism

Enhance circulation throughout the cardiovascular system, especially in the brain

Enhance the availability of glucose and oxygen to the brain.

Studies have shown that vinpocetine can enhance circulation by naturally expanding blood vessels, and that vinpocetine's effect may be particularly beneficial for invigorating cerebral metabolism. One double-blind controlled study, reported in Human Psychopharmacology, found that those participants given vinpocetine showed significant improvement in attention and memory performance.

Vinpocetine is a derivative of vincamine, which is an extract of the periwinkle plant. Research has shown that Vinpocetine helps the body to maintain healthy circulation in the brain. Studies also suggest that Vinpocetine supports the availability of glucose and oxygen in the brain.

Vinpocetine is also known in Europe as Cavinton. It has a very powerful supporting effect on short-term memory. Vinpocetine promotes the metabolism in the brain in four ways. It enhances the blood flow, increases the rate at which brain cells produce ATP, and increases the utilization of glucose and oxygen in the brain. Because of its ability to support healthy blood flow, Vinpocetine has been used to promote circulation throughout the body. Recent research also suggests Vinpocetine may further support circulation through its ability to prevent or reverse the deposition of calcium, aluminum, and phosphorous in certain body tissues.




10 mg


*No US RDA established

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule three times a day with meals, or follow the advise of your Health Care Professional. 


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